Check out more details about Etzinger Grinder
Etzinger Grinder Features:
- Easy to adjust and clean (without tools)
- Minimum Retention (0.8g)
- Modular System enabeling users to replace parts themselves
- Time- or weight-based (Intuitive Weighing System, tares in less than 2 seconds)
- Single Dosing (w/ Single Dosing Device, recommended to use LIGHT-cone)
- Colors: SILVER (smooth Aluminum), BLACK, WHITE or INDUSTRIAL (Raw)
ETZmax Grinder Cone burrs:
LIGHT-cone (All-Purpose-Espresso)
- Slower intake of beans
- Recommended for Single Dosing Use
- Standard-cone for all Espresso-models
- Suitable for a wide variety of roasts
HIGH-cone (High-Performance-Espresso)
- Optimized for medium-dark roasts
- Increased Speed
- Delivery Content: etzMAX-m/plus (included in Espressokit)
FILTER-cone (Pour Over)
- Filter-Cone optimized to generate less fines
- Standard-cone for etzMAX-filter/filterL (included in Filterkit)